My Top 10 Takeaways from "Get Money, Get Paid"

I had the absolute pleasure of attending the 2019 “Get Money, Get Paid” conference hosted by Ladies Get Paid. I highly recommend all young, ambitious, females to attend future conferences. I also encourage women of all ages from all walks of the professional life to attend because there were 1,000 talented women at this conference who you can hire, mentor, connect with, learn from, etc..

But my recommendations don’t stop there. 📣Calling all men! 📣

For conferences like “Get Money, Get Paid” and “3% Conference”, it is vital that men also attend. It is important for you to hear and understand the challenges that women are still facing in the workplace, and (as above) hire, mentor, connect with, and learn from these remarkably determined professionals.

So what did I learn? There were multiple workshops and panel sessions to attend and unfortunately I could not attend them all, but from those that I did attend, here are my Top 10 Takeaways:

(A couple things to note first:

  • Some of the quotes don’t have names against them since I was captivated by the wisdom and inspiration in front of me and I forgot to make notes sometimes! Sorry!

  • These are my take-a-ways, and I will have had a completely different experience than the other 999 women in attendance, so please keep this in mind.)

    So here we go…

  1. If you’re not registered to vote – do it!

  2. “Know your ‘Why?’” Ask yourself, why am I doing this? Stay focused on what it is you want and hold onto your “Why” so you do not waiver from your path.

  3. “You have to believe in yourself and you have to believe in what you want.” Belief can be stronger than brutes. There is no doubt that you will come up against challenges when you’re in pursuit of your goals. Feel that belief deep within you. Picture it. Learn how to easily access it. And when you feel the heat or you’re feeling discouraged, connect with that belief, because its strength will keep you on the path to your goal.

  4. “Be proud of the work that you do and your accomplishments.” Once you’ve hit your goal or small milestones, don’t shy away from letting people know what you’ve accomplished. You don’t have to be arrogant about it, but make sure your peers, your manager, your manager’s manager know about your successes (even successes outside of work).

  5. “Now is the time.” Don’t wait to make your dream your reality. Don’t say that you’ll start that project next week or in the new year. Do it now!

  6. Which reminds me, please, please, please, if you can vote in the US, and you’re not yet registered to vote, do it now!!!

  7. “Commit to growth and transformation.” --Devon Brooks. We are all students of life, keep learning from your experiences, keep asking yourself the tough questions, seek others who will continue to support your growth, and be open to the transformation.

  8. “Whatever is unique about you, whatever is different about you, THAT is your power.” --Imara Jones. Don’t let people tell you that you have to be the same as everyone else. Stand out from the crowd and bring a diverse way of thinking to everything that you do. And for companies: embrace the difference in people. Train your employees to be able to see the value in different. Make sure every person interviewing a potential new employee understands the magic of diversity. And don’t hire for sameness.

  9. For every worst case scenario or biggest fear holding us back, there is also a positive thought that will help us move forward. If you are afraid to take the next step to realizing your goal, think about the fear that is holding you back. Now think about a new positive perspective. Hold onto that, because chances are it’s the more likely outcome, and start moving forward.

  10. And don’t forget to register to vote!!!!!